Há algum tempo que procurava uma agenda para 2015
mas as únicas que gostava ou eram demasiado caras
ou não tinham algo que para mim é fundamental... elástico para fechar!!
Em "desespero" comprei uma agenda básica no ultimo dia do ano...
e estou super feliz com a minha decisão de personalizar a minha agenda de 2015 :)))
For some time I was looking for a 2015 daily organizer
but those I liked were too expensive
or had not something that for me is fundamental...an elastic band to close ... !!
In "despair" I bought a basic organizer on the last day of the year ...
and I am super happy with my decision to customize my 2015 organizer :)))
but those I liked were too expensive
or had not something that for me is fundamental...an elastic band to close ... !!
In "despair" I bought a basic organizer on the last day of the year ...
and I am super happy with my decision to customize my 2015 organizer :)))
Não ficou perfeitinhaaaaa...
mas valeu a pena, e ficou unica!! :)
It's not perfect
but it was worth it, it's unique!! :)
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